CRS Brian “Joe” Poole
Brian sadly died in Malawi in 2017 and his wife Janet who is an ex WREN RNR knows little of his Naval Service.
His good friend Bill Mahoney has put together a little of his service career and is keen to get in touch with
anyone that knew Brian.
“Brian Joseph Poole, known as ‘Joe’ started his career as a ‘Boy Tel’ at HMS Ganges in 1953. His first ship was the carrier HMS Ark Royal. He later served at Kranji Wireless in Singapore, Mauritius, in submarines and, latterly, HMS Fearless.
One of his shipmates from Fearless is also asking for any information in order to assemble a tribute as he was a pupil of Joe’s in the Communications Branch.
Brian retired from the RN in 1978 as a Chief Radio Supervisor. Sadly, he died in Malawi in 2017.
If anyone who served with ‘Joe’ can shed any light on any of his service in the intervening years between him qualifying as a Telegraphist to his retirement it will be greatly appreciated by his widow Janet”.
If anyone can help out please contact the Hon Sec via the normal channels.