2020 Reunion Cancelled – Message from the Chair

“As promised here is an update on the Gala Dinner weekend at Chester this year.  It is with deep regret and after much soul searching and fact gathering the committee have agreed to cancel this year’s reunion at Chester.

This decision was taken after discussions about the safety of our members the majority of whom are in the “vulnerable” bracket. Coupled with the rise of the “R” number in the North West and localised lock downs and the availability of the attractions especially in Liverpool where we were hoping to visit on the Saturday.

The hotel’s restaurant and bar are currently closed and they are only offering a room service for a continental breakfast and drinks. Other meals are being taken at another hotel across the road.

The other factor is that we are limited to only 30 attending under the current Government guidelines which would make the weekend not the experience that we would want.

I also think that the Government is not going to make any further relaxations until the schools have returned and there has been no significant rise in cases.

This will be the first time in its 50 years history of the RNCCA that a reunion or dinner has been cancelled which is not the way I wanted to leave it but circumstances have forced us down this road.

We are in discussions with Isle of Wight Tours (IOWT) about the postponement of the event and the possibility of them holding any deposits already paid until next year.  We hope to have more information soon.

For information next year’s event will take place 17 – 19 September 2021, and we are looking forward to seeing as many as possible there.

Kind regards and stay safe

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