Very sad to report that Dave Morris crossed the bar at 23:00 on Friday 3rd January. Please find below a message posted on Facebook from his wife Mary.
“David took his last breath in the Peddars Way Hospice – Meadow Room at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lyn at 2300 on Friday 3rd January. He was at peace and in no pain.
We celebrate a life well lived.
Mary and family.”
Dave was a very well respected communicator and a passionate Bunting, he will be missed.
The RNCCA send its condolences and thoughts to Mary and family .
Funeral Details:
Dave Morris’s funeral will be on the 31st January at Mintlyn Crematorium, Kings Lynn, at 13:00. Family flowers only. Donations are welcome and will be going to the new Palliative care ward (Peddars Way) at QEH, (Details are on the link below).
Login details for the livestream are contained in the members section – Crossed the Bar